

Kafka 线程模型痛点攻克: 提升分区写入 2 倍性能







  1. 相机初始化,根据图像尺寸申请内存地址;
  2. 导出图像内存指针,设置传感器参数
  3. 初始化位移台,新建类
  4. 通过dll查找位移台函数指针,调用函数
  5. 设置边界条件及步进电机参数
  6. 通过函数返回值与延时等机制,实现相机同步
  7. 批量化图像采集与数据处理








本文是基于debug x64模式下,C++ 环境运行,需要一老OpenCV的部分库函数,进行图像展示和保存。
比如我之前配置旧版本的环境,大家可以参考: link


大家要注意,将这里的语言 符合模式 设置为否,原因是ids相机开发包里面存储文件的时候,使用的是wchat_t *的格式,调试过程中很容易出问题。如下图设置




#include "ueye.h"
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

class Idscam {

	INT InitCamera(HIDS *hCam, HWND hWnd);   //初始化相机   hWnd指向显示图像窗口的指针,若用DIB模式可以令hWnd=NULL  
	bool OpenCamera();
	void ExitCamera();
	int  InitDisplayMode();
	void GetMaxImageSize(INT *pnSizeX, INT *pnSizeY);//查询相机支持的图像格式
	void SaveImage(wchar_t* fileName);
	bool GetiplImgFormMem(); //从视频数据流中将图像数据拷贝给IplImage
	// uEye varibles
	HIDS	m_hCam;				// 相机句柄
	HWND	m_hWndDisplay;		 // window显示句柄
	INT		m_nColorMode;		// Y8/RGB16/RGB24/REG32
	INT		m_nBitsPerPixel;	// 图像位深
	INT		m_nSizeX;		// 图像宽度
	INT		m_nSizeY;		// 图像高度
	INT		m_nPosX;		// 图像左偏移
	INT		m_nPosY;		// 图像右偏移
	cv::Mat CamMat;
	IplImage *iplImg;
	char *m_pLastBuffer;


	// 使用位图模式进行实时显示需要的内存  
	INT	 m_lMemoryId;	        // camera memory - buffer ID
	char*	m_pcImageMemory;	// camera memory - pointer to buffer
	SENSORINFO m_sInfo;		// sensor information struct
	INT     m_nRenderMode;		// render  mode
	INT     m_nFlipHor;		// 水平翻转标志
	INT     m_nFlipVert;		// 垂直翻转标志



int SetParasofCamera(HIDS hCam, uint nPixelClockSet, double nFramePerSecondSet, double nExposureTimeSet) {
	// 像素时钟查询与设置
	UINT nPixelClockDefault, nPixelClockCurrent;
	INT nRet;
	// 获取默认像素时钟
	nRet = is_PixelClock(hCam, IS_PIXELCLOCK_CMD_GET_DEFAULT, (void*)&nPixelClockDefault, sizeof(nPixelClockDefault));
	if (nRet == IS_SUCCESS) {
		cout << "Success, and default pixel clock is : " << nPixelClockDefault << " MHz." << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to get default pixel clock" << endl;
		return IS_NO_SUCCESS;
	// 设置该像素时钟
	//nPixelClockSet = 86;	//设置为80MHz
	nRet = is_PixelClock(hCam, IS_PIXELCLOCK_CMD_SET, (void*)&nPixelClockSet, sizeof(nPixelClockSet));
	if (nRet == IS_SUCCESS) {
		cout << "Success, and user set pixel clock is : " << nPixelClockSet << " MHz." << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to set pixel clock" << endl;
		return IS_NO_SUCCESS;
	// 获取当前像素时钟
	nRet = is_PixelClock(hCam, IS_PIXELCLOCK_CMD_GET, (void*)&nPixelClockCurrent, sizeof(nPixelClockCurrent));
	if (nRet == IS_SUCCESS) {
		cout << "Success, and current pixel clock is : " << nPixelClockCurrent << " MHz." << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to get current pixel clock" << endl;
		return IS_NO_SUCCESS;
	cout << "***********************************************************************************" << endl;
	// 相机帧率范围查询与设置
	double nFrameMin, nFrameMax, nFrameIntervall;
	nRet = is_GetFrameTimeRange(hCam, &nFrameMin, &nFrameMax, &nFrameIntervall);
	if (nRet == IS_SUCCESS) {
		cout << "Success, Min Frame = " << 1 / nFrameMax << "fps, Max Frame = " << 1 / nFrameMin << "fps, and Frame Intervall = " << nFrameIntervall << "fps." << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to get nFrameMin, nFrameMax, nFrameIntervall." << endl;
		return IS_NO_SUCCESS;

	// 设置、并查询 当前相机采集帧率
	double nFramesPerSecondCurrent;
	nRet = is_SetFrameRate(hCam, nFramePerSecondSet, &nFramesPerSecondCurrent);
	if (nRet == IS_SUCCESS) {
		cout << "Success, user set frame is: " << nFramePerSecondSet << "fps, and current frame is : " << (nFramesPerSecondCurrent) << "fps" << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to get current frame" << endl;
		return IS_NO_SUCCESS;
	cout << "***********************************************************************************" << endl;

	// 曝光时间查询与设置
	double nExposureTimeDefault, nExposureTimeCurrent;
	// 获取曝光时间范围查询 这个通过和IDS程序对比,是对的
	//Success, and exposure time range is : min = 0.00898246 ms, max = 19.9832ms, delta = 0.0158596ms. IS_EXPOSURE_CMD_GET_EXPOSURE_RANGE
	//Success, and exposure time range is : min = 0.00898246 ms, max = 19.9832ms, delta = 0.000140351ms. IS_EXPOSURE_CMD_GET_FINE_INCREMENT_RANGE
	double nExposureTimeRange;
	double dblRange[3];
	nRet = is_Exposure(hCam, IS_EXPOSURE_CMD_GET_FINE_INCREMENT_RANGE, (void*)dblRange, sizeof(dblRange));
	if (nRet == IS_SUCCESS) {
		cout << "Success, and exposure time range is : min = " << (dblRange[0]) << " ms, max = "
			<< (dblRange[1]) << "ms, delta = " << (dblRange[2]) << "ms." << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to get exposure time range" << endl;
		return IS_NO_SUCCESS;
	// 获取默认曝光时间
	nRet = is_Exposure(hCam, IS_EXPOSURE_CMD_GET_EXPOSURE_DEFAULT, &nExposureTimeDefault, sizeof(nExposureTimeDefault));
	if (nRet == IS_SUCCESS) {
		cout << "Success, and default exposure time is : " << nExposureTimeDefault << " ms." << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to get default exposure time" << endl;
		return IS_NO_SUCCESS;
	// 设置曝光时间(单位:ms)
	nRet = is_Exposure(hCam, IS_EXPOSURE_CMD_SET_EXPOSURE, &nExposureTimeSet, sizeof(nExposureTimeSet));
	if (nRet == IS_SUCCESS) {
		cout << "Success, and set exposure time is : " << nExposureTimeSet << " ms." << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to set exposure time" << endl;
		return IS_NO_SUCCESS;
	// 再次获取曝光时间,确保设置成功
	nRet = is_Exposure(hCam, IS_EXPOSURE_CMD_GET_EXPOSURE, &nExposureTimeCurrent, sizeof(nExposureTimeCurrent));
	if (nRet == IS_SUCCESS) {
		cout << "Success, and current exposure time is : " << nExposureTimeCurrent << " ms." << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to get current exposure time" << endl;
		return IS_NO_SUCCESS;

	cout << "***********************************************************************************" << endl;

	return IS_SUCCESS;


int SaveIdsImage(HIDS hCam, wchar_t* fileName) {
	// 每次保存图像之前,都要先进行清空指针
	ImageFileParams.pwchFileName = NULL;
	ImageFileParams.pnImageID = NULL;
	ImageFileParams.ppcImageMem = NULL;
	ImageFileParams.nQuality = 0;
	ImageFileParams.pwchFileName = fileName; // L"test.bmp";
	ImageFileParams.nFileType = IS_IMG_BMP;
	ImageFileParams.nQuality = 80;
	int nRet = is_ImageFile(hCam, IS_IMAGE_FILE_CMD_SAVE, (void*)&ImageFileParams, sizeof(ImageFileParams));
	return nRet;



#ifdef __cplusplus
#define DLL_EXPORT extern "C" __declspec( dllexport )
#define DLL_EXPORT extern "C" __declspec( dllimport )
#define DLL_EXPORT

#define MOVE_CODE_STOP      0x01    // 停止
#define MOVE_CODE_RESTORE   0x02    // 回原点
#define MOVE_CODE_DRIVE_R   0x04    // 向右相对运动
#define MOVE_CODE_DRIVE_L   0x05    // 向左相对运动
#define MOVE_CODE_MOVE      0x06    // 运动到指定位置
#define MOVE_CODE_JOG_R     0x07    // 向右步进
#define MOVE_CODE_JOG_L     0x08    // 向左步进

DLL_EXPORT int listPorts(char *serialNo, unsigned int len); // 列举串口设备
DLL_EXPORT int open(char *serialNo);                        // 打开串口设备
DLL_EXPORT int isOpen(char *serialNo);                      // 检查串口设备是否已打开
DLL_EXPORT int close(int handle);                           // 关闭串口设备
DLL_EXPORT int read(int handle, char *data, int len);       // 读取数据
DLL_EXPORT int write(int handle, char *data, int len);      // 写入数据

// 设置D寄存器
DLL_EXPORT int move(int handle, int ID, int func);              // 运行
DLL_EXPORT int setSpeed(int handle, int ID, float speed);       // 设置速度
DLL_EXPORT int setAcceleration(int handle, int ID, float Acc);  // 设置加速度
DLL_EXPORT int setAbsoluteDisp(int handle, int ID, float disp); // 设置绝对位移量
DLL_EXPORT int setRelativeDisp(int handle, int ID, float disp); // 设置相对位移量
DLL_EXPORT int setJogTime(int handle, int ID, int time);        // 设置步进时间
DLL_EXPORT int setJogStep(int handle, int ID, float step);      // 设置步进步长
DLL_EXPORT int setJogDelay(int handle, int ID, int delay);      // 设置步进延迟

DLL_EXPORT int setInputEnable(int handle, int ID, int enable);              // 输入有效
DLL_EXPORT int setOutputEnable(int handle, int ID, int enable);             // 输出有效
DLL_EXPORT int setAxisEnable(int handle, int ID, int enable);               // 轴使能
DLL_EXPORT int setRelativePosEnable(int handle, int ID, int enable);        // 相对位置值使能

// 只读
DLL_EXPORT int getDoingState(int handle, int ID);           // 运动状态
DLL_EXPORT int getPositiveLimitEnable(int handle, int ID);  // 限位+
DLL_EXPORT int getNegativeLimitEnable(int handle, int ID);  // 限位-
DLL_EXPORT int getOriginEable(int handle, int ID);          // 原点
DLL_EXPORT int getDeviceCode(int handle);                   // 控制器设备型号(支持的轴数量)

// 获取寄存器值
DLL_EXPORT float getSpeed(int handle, int ID);          // 速度
DLL_EXPORT float getAcceleration(int handle, int ID);   // 加速度
DLL_EXPORT float getAbsoluteDisp(int handle, int ID);   // 绝对位移量
DLL_EXPORT float getRelativeDisp(int handle, int ID);   // 相对位移量
DLL_EXPORT int getJogTime(int handle, int ID);          // 步进时间
DLL_EXPORT float getJogStep(int handle, int ID);        // 步进步长
DLL_EXPORT int getJogDelay(int handle, int ID);         // 步进延迟

DLL_EXPORT int getAxisType(int handle, int ID);             // 轴类型
DLL_EXPORT float GetCurrentPos(int handle, int ID, int *ok);// 当前位置
DLL_EXPORT int getInputEnable(int handle, int ID);          // 输入有效
DLL_EXPORT int getOutputEnable(int handle, int ID);         // 输出有效
DLL_EXPORT int getAxisEnable(int handle, int ID);           // 轴使能
DLL_EXPORT int getRelativePosEnable(int handle, int ID);    // 相对位置值使能,未使能时,drive不需要设置位移量

DLL_EXPORT int getAllModels(char* modelName, int len);      // 获取所有位移台型号名称用","隔开
DLL_EXPORT int initAxis(int handle, int ID, char* model, int AxisCount);   // 初始化轴
DLL_EXPORT int getErrorCode(int handle, int ID);            // 获取错误代码



// 位移台运动函数设置:
int LBtekMoverParaSet() {
	cout << "***************** Loading moverLibrary_x64.dll, Get and Init Mover Device. *******************" << endl;
	// 运行时加载DLL库
	HMODULE dllHandle = LoadLibrary(L"moverLibrary_x64.dll");
	if (dllHandle == NULL)
		return -1;
	// 获取listPorts函数地址
	MyFunctionType1 GetMoverSerialList = (MyFunctionType1)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "listPorts");
	/*if (GetMoverSerialList == NULL) {
		std::cout << "Failed to get function address." << std::endl;
		return -1;
	// 通过GetMoverSerialList调用函数listPorts 
	ret = GetMoverSerialList(serialList, 1024);		// 获取当前电脑所有已连接的串口设备名称列表 我们的应该是COM5
	if (ret >= 0) {
		cout << "Success to get Serial List:" << serialList << std::endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to get Serial List!" << std::endl;
		return -1;
	// 获取位移台型号名称列表 我们的应该是 EM-LSS65-50C1
	MyFunctionType1 GetMoverModelsList = (MyFunctionType1)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "getAllModels");
	ret = GetMoverModelsList(modelsList, 1024);
	if (ret >= 0) {
		cout << "Success to get Mover Model List:" << modelsList << std::endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to get Mover Model List!" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	// 打开串口设备             
	MyFunctionType2 OpenMoverEmcvx = (MyFunctionType2)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "open");	// 打开串口设备int open(char *serialNo); 
	m_handle = OpenMoverEmcvx(name);
	if (ret > 0) {
		cout << "Success to Open Emcvx." << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to Open Emcvx." << endl;
		return -1;
	// 检查串口设备是否正确打开
	MyFunctionType2 CheckMoverEmcvxState = (MyFunctionType2)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "isOpen");	//
	if (CheckMoverEmcvxState(name) > 0) {
		cout << "Success to Open Emcvx.(Check)" << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to Open Emcvx.(Check)" << endl;
		return -1;
	// 初始化轴设备 Axis1
	MyFunctionType7 InitMoverAxis = (MyFunctionType7)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "initAxis");
	MyFunctionType8 GetMoverDeviceCode = (MyFunctionType8)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "getDeviceCode");
	int axisCount = GetMoverDeviceCode(m_handle);	// 获取轴设备数量
	cout << "Axis Count = " << axisCount << endl;

	if (InitMoverAxis(m_handle, ID, modelName, axisCount) >= 0) {
		cout << "Success to Init Mover Axis 1." << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to Init Mover Axis 1." << endl;
		return -1;
	cout << "************************************ Setting Device Paras. ******************************" << endl;

	// 设置运行速度
	MyFunctionType5 SetMoverSpeed = (MyFunctionType5)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "setSpeed");
	if (SetMoverSpeed(m_handle, ID, speed) == 0) {
		cout << "Success to Set Mover Speed at " << speed << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to Set Mover Speed." << endl;
		return -1;
	// 设置运行加速度
	MyFunctionType5 SetMoverAcceleration = (MyFunctionType5)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "setAcceleration");
	if (SetMoverAcceleration(m_handle, ID, Acc) == 0) {
		cout << "Success to Set Mover Acc at " << Acc << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to Set Mover Acc." << endl;
		return -1;
	// 设置运行相对位移量
	MyFunctionType5 SetMoverRelativeDisp = (MyFunctionType5)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "setRelativeDisp");
	if (SetMoverRelativeDisp(m_handle, ID, disp) == 0) {
		cout << "Success to Set Mover Relative Disp at " << disp << "mm" << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to Set Mover Relative Disp." << endl;
		return -1;
	// 设置步进次数
	MyFunctionType4 SetMoverJogTime = (MyFunctionType4)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "setJogTime");
	if (SetMoverJogTime(m_handle, ID, times) == 0) {
		cout << "Success to Set Mover Jog Times at " << times << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to Set Mover Jog Times." << endl;
		return -1;
	// 设置步进步长
	MyFunctionType5 SetMoverJogStep = (MyFunctionType5)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "setJogStep");
	if (SetMoverJogStep(m_handle, ID, step) == 0) {
		cout << "Success to Set Mover Jog Step at " << speed << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to Set Mover Jog Step." << endl;
		return -1;
	// 设置步进延时
	MyFunctionType4 SetMoverJogDelay = (MyFunctionType4)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "setJogDelay");
	if (SetMoverJogDelay(m_handle, ID, times) == 0) {
		cout << "Success to Set Mover Jog Delay at " << delay << "ms" << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to Set Mover Jog Delay." << endl;
		return -1;
	// 设置位移台轴使能
	MyFunctionType4 SetMoverAxisEnable = (MyFunctionType4)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "setAxisEnable");
	if (SetMoverAxisEnable(m_handle, ID, 0x01) == 0) {	// 0x00未使能; 0x01使能
		cout << "Success to Enable Mover." << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to Enable Mover." << endl;
		return -1;
	// 获取位移台运行状态
	MyFunctionType6 GetMoverDoingState = (MyFunctionType6)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "getDoingState");
	ret = GetMoverDoingState(m_handle, ID);
	if (ret == 0x01) {
		cout << "Success to get the state of Mover, and it is running." << endl;
	else if (ret == 0) {
		cout << "Success to get the state of Mover, but it isn't running." << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to get the state of Mover!" << endl;
		return -1;
	// 获取位移台当前位置 float GetCurrentPos(int handle, int ID, int *ok);// 当前位置
	MyFunctionType3 GetMoverCurrentPos = (MyFunctionType3)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "GetCurrentPos");
	int signOK = 0;
	currentPos = GetMoverCurrentPos(m_handle, ID, &signOK);
	if (currentPos >= 0) {	// 0x00未使能; 0x01使能
		cout << "Success to Get Mover Current Position at " << currentPos << " mm" << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to Get Mover Current Position." << endl;
		return -1;
	// 获取位移台正方向限位状态
	MyFunctionType6 GetMoverPositiveLimitEnable = (MyFunctionType6)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "getPositiveLimitEnable");
	int limitMaxState = GetMoverPositiveLimitEnable(m_handle, ID);
	if (limitMaxState == 0x01) {
		cout << "Warrning! It is Located in limitMaxState!" << endl;
	else if (ret == 0) {
		cout << "Success to check, it isn't at limitMaxState." << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to get the state of limitMaxState!" << endl;
		return -1;
	// 获取位移台负方向限位状态
	MyFunctionType6 GetMoverNegativeLimitEnable = (MyFunctionType6)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "getNegativeLimitEnable");
	int limitMinState = GetMoverNegativeLimitEnable(m_handle, ID);
	if (limitMinState == 0x01) {
		cout << "Warrning! It is Located in limitMinState!" << endl;
	else if (ret == 0) {
		cout << "Success to check, it isn't at limitMinState." << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to get the state of limitMinState!" << endl;
		return -1;

	// 使能位移台运动
	MyFunctionType4 MoverEnable = (MyFunctionType4)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "move");	// int move(int handle, int ID, int func);	

    // func: 0x01停止	0x02回原点	 0x04正方向推进	0x05负方向推进	0x06移动到指定位置	0x07正反向步进	0x08负方向步进
	ret = MoverEnable(m_handle, ID, 0x07);
	if (ret == 0) {
		cout << "Success, Jog move." << endl;
	else {
		cout << "Failed to Jog Move!" << endl;
		return -1;

	// 卸载DLL文件  
	return 0;





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